17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 10, 2019 1:01:34 GMT
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 11, 2019 5:08:44 GMT
After that absurdly long video on the unabridged history of the Pokemon League, coupled with waking up the bloody half-dead professor so everyone can get their 'Dexes and such, it is much later in the day than even Skye expected to be leaving. What with her "late start" due to last night's events. (Skye & her paparazzi woke up around noon. It is now around dusk (~6:30 PM)) Oh hey, what's that pretty light over there under the eaves of a house?
Post by ventix on Sept 11, 2019 22:21:36 GMT
Curious, Skye walks over to check it out.
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 11, 2019 22:56:37 GMT
Oh hey, it's a cute lil' candle! Hiii candle!
Post by ventix on Sept 11, 2019 22:59:13 GMT
Forgetting already about her paparazzi, Skye smiles and bends over to talk to the candle. "Why 'ello there! Wat's a cute thin' like ya doin' ou' here all by ya lonesome?" Skye says, gushing over the cuteness of the little candle.
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 11, 2019 23:02:00 GMT
There can be heard faint giggling from the peanut gallery, but the candle looks up at Skye. It makes some sort of hissing, fire-crackling like sound which sounds suspiciously like words to her. Something about... 'just ended up here'?
Post by ventix on Sept 11, 2019 23:08:04 GMT
"Jus' ended up here? So ya're a traveler of some kind?" Skye asks, tilting her head. "If ya're travelin' around anyways, I don' suppose ya'd be willin; ta travel alon' with me? Safety in numbahs and all dat."
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 11, 2019 23:09:18 GMT
Litwick seems to indicate that yes, in fact, that sounds quite lovely.
Litwick is level 4, Male, Timid, with Flash Fire.
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 0:12:50 GMT
"Hmmmm...While we're here...Migh' as well get anothah Pokemon to diversify my team..." Skye says.
D2_S6SVD1d100 for Steel in Urban1d100
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 0:30:59 GMT
Skye pokes around in some more alleyways and finds what seems like an old, discarded sword.
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 0:56:48 GMT
"Hmmmm...Why would a sword be hangin' around in an alleyway like this...?" Skye asks herself, narrowing her eyes at it. She picks up a stick and starts poking it.
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 0:57:27 GMT
You poke the sword. Nothing happens.
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 1:07:42 GMT
Skye hesitantly reaches out for the hilt read to jump back at a moments notice should something happen.
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 1:13:57 GMT
Reaching for the hilt of the blade does nothing. Grasping it, on the other hand...well, that's another story. As you grasp the hilt, the tassel seems to suddenly come to life and wrap itself around your wrist. You feel a pull inside of you, like something is trying to grasp your very soul. You also swear that this thing, Honedge, your mind supplies, is judging you. Testing to see if you are worthy to wield it.
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 1:16:08 GMT
Focus: Z75l7jKF2d6 Intuition 2d62d6·2d6
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 1:30:56 GMT
It's quite difficult to focus, what with your life force/soul being drained from you by the second. However, during this time period, you get flashes of what appear to be memories or events that happened in the past. Most of it is entirely unintelligible without context, but the gist of it seems to be that Honedge is quite upset with the "corruption" of mankind and the dishonorable combat that they find themselves in. Right now, it seems to consider Skye to be yet another unworthy soul. Can you convince it otherwise?
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 1:39:22 GMT
Quickly, Skye removes the blade from its sheath so as to give the Honedge as little padding as possible. She then grips the handle with both hands like a baseball bat, before slamming the flat of the blade as hard as she can against the wall in order to rattle it. She then proceeds to hold the Honedge up and looks it dead in the eye. "NOW LISTEN HERE YA OVERGROWN BUTTAH KNIFE! YA AIN' GONNA JUS' WRITE ME OFF LIKE DAT AN' EXPEC' ME TA GO ALON' WITH IT! IMMA GIVE YA TA DA COUN' OF TEN TA LE' GO'A ME 'FORE I SMASH YA TO PIECES!" She roars at it.
Command: lD4Zi|FG4d64d6
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 2:34:16 GMT
Surprisingly (or not), this works; or at least, it makes the Honedge pause long enough to get in some proper words edgewise.
Post by ventix on Sept 12, 2019 3:25:32 GMT
"Look, I'm sorry dat ya feel like we just can' fight like we used ta, but let's face it. Times have changed an' folks just don't need ta know how ta fight as much as they used ta back in da day. At least, that's what I'm assumin' ya're upset about, considering you nevah bothered ta actually tell me! Seriously, you sit in a back alley all day waiting for some poor sap ta pick you up, basically tricking them inta undergoing ya stupid 'trial' or whatever without their consent or prior knowledge and have the nerve ta call them dishonorable when they don't have what ya looking for?! Hypocritical much?!" Skye says before sighing, calming down from her rant. "Look, I'm willing to work with ya, but that's gotta be a two way street, ya hear?"
17,053 posts
May 31, 2023 21:25:23 GMT
Post by Raven on Sept 12, 2019 4:18:23 GMT
The Honedge bristles in anger. This human has the nerve, the gall to lecture it?! It does not force anyone to undergo its trial. It does not deceive humans in order to trick them into picking it up. After all, it is not Honedge's fault that people do not recognize it on sight any longer. It is not Honedge's fault that humans are dumb enough to touch things they don't recognize/understand. Human ignorance is not the Pokemon's fault.
Honedge spins a grand tale of how things used to be. Back in a time when its species was used by Kings and Knights. When glorious battles were fought. Back when things were simpler. Oh sure, some of the Honedge line are used in battle still, but it is not the same. It longs to be wielded again, yet all have been found unworthy. Perhaps Skye is different, however. She didn't immediately die, after all.